Sunday, 4 April 2010

Happy easter

I come from a wannabe catholic family. They are Catholics but they sure don't act like it. Maybe my grandma but absolutely not my mother. She does like to use it as an excuse to have me coming over for holidays like Easter that doesn't really mean much to me. I used to do it for my grandma, but now I live in England and also I've had about enough of my mother and I'm keeping my distance for the sake of my health and sanity.

I don't cook anything special and I don't decorate any differently. I'm pretty much just annoyed that the shops are closed and no one at school answers e-mails.

This is about as much Easter as it gets in my house.

Happy Easter!

(And I really wish that bass player at the Georgian Theatre would stop playing "Don't stop believin' " over and over because they are ruining the song for me!)

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